Woolly Bully gets a new paint job

Good progress was made on Woolly Bully at our joint design and art day at Pallamallawa PS preparing our calf for the Archibull Prize. We were joined by students from Bullarah PS and the students from all the schools enjoyed creating the artwork. Thanks to Miss Dowsett and Mrs Fordham for organising the students all day and getting everybody to play a part in the design, drawing and painting.

Woolly Bully goes on tour

After a couple of weeks locked away at Croppa Creek PS over the holidays, Woolly Bully was given the chance to stretch his legs and go for a bit of a drive out to Bullarah to meet the wonderful students of Bullarah PS.

The students were very excited to meet him and took great delight in sharing their school and the sights of downtown Bullarah, including a visit to the Bullarah Bush Cafe.

Archibull Launch – Farm visit

Have you ever wanted to see a real life shearer in action? Well last week the students of Croppa Creek public school got the chance to visit Golonga shearing shed to see a shearer shear some sheep (try saying that 10 times quickly).


Here is some of the information we learned:

Georgia Year 5

Do you like sheep? The Croppa Creek public school students were able to go to Golonga Shearing shed. Some students got to have a go at the rouseabouts job while others watched a shearer shear some sheep.

After we went outside to have a look at the shed from the outside. We went all around the shed. Once we’d been outside the shed we went through the middle of it and went through some of the yards. All the students were pretending to be sheep or lambs.

Did you know that there is an oil in the sheep’s wool called lanolin ( which is also good for your hair and hands). Some of the sheep’s wool is not sold that is called the belly wool that is usually shorn first.

Millie Year 4

Sheep wool is very oily the oil is called lanolin oil.

Wool is dirty and has lots of burrs in it.

The skirting job is where you take out the burrs.

The Rouseabout job is where you the shearing shed floor clean.

Oliver Yr 5

What I found most interesting was the wool had oil in it called Lanolin Which makes the Sheeps wool waterproof. What was also interesting was it that the shearer didn’t use the belly wool when making a product. When they let me have a go of throwing the wool lets just say that it didn’t go so well, most of the wool all bundled up together.

Dominic Year 4

We went to a shearing shed on Thursday it is a  experience I will remember forever. I like the  rouseabout. He or she throws the wool out from Clean to dirty It cost me when it is good it is It is very nice and soft and I got take some home We got the chance to sort the  wool out and we got to skirt the wool one of the shearers cut the sheep it was bleeding when he was finished we saw the blood

Marshall Yr 4

Do you know wool has lanolin oil in it and it has dirt and burrs. The shearer starts at the tummy so they can let the way up and down. They chuck the wool up on the table.

Shyan Yr 3

On Thursday the 14th last week the students went to a shearing shed at Golonga.the Thik stuff is more money thina stuff in the. Students got to jump in wool are you is called. got to sweep up the wool that is cold roustabout

What a wonderful authentic learning opportunity for our students today as we visited the sheep shearing at Golonga. The students thoroughly enjoyed the visit and we would like to thank Rowan and Meg Tighe for hosting the visit. It was a great way to launch our Archibull Prize project.



What is the Archibull Prize?

The Archibull Prize is a prestigious competition that looks to engage students in the role of agriculture in all our lives. It involves inquiry based learning, engaging experts in their fields, use of technology, and most importantly, the Archi. Archi is the jewel in the crown of the competition, serving as the template for an artwork that will be the ultimate expression of student learning.

Archie's Archi

Archi is embraced by our very own Archie, in a meeting of minds

This year’s theme is ‘Feeding, Clothing and Powering a Hungry Nation is a Shared Responsibility’. Our focus industry is wool, and we will be sharing the topics amongst our schools and creating a shared masterpiece that we hope will best show our learning to a wider audience.

Please visit the Archibull Prize website for more information.

Who we are.

If you were to google Moree Small Schools, you would not find an entry that would tell you who we are. In fact you wouldn’t even find this blog (yet!) as this site is so young that it is yet to register in Google’s algorithm. So it seems that perhaps we should post a bit more information about who we are and why we are taking part in this year’s Archibull Prize.

Each of our schools is a small school in the areas that surround Moree NSW. As schools in rural and remote locations, we are dedicated to giving our students the best learning opportunities we can, as well as creating opportunities that will allow them to share their learning with a wider audience. The Archibull Prize is the perfect opportunity for us to do this.


While many of our students come from an agricultural background, grain is the predominant industry in our region, so we look forward to finding out more about the sheep industry and discover ways in which farming may be the same or different.

We also look forward to working with our Young Farming Champion Emma Turner who knows what it means to be educated in a small school and will help educate our students in the ways of the wool.

We look forward to sharing our journey with you.